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Spring 25


Office Hours

Mondays 12pm-2pm online in Zoom - Email me to Schedule an Appointment

Teaching Schedule

Chairships and Governance Committees

CSIT Department Chair
Faculty Assembly 

CSIT ZTC Textbook Affordability Grants

Course Transfer and Certificate Applicability

CSIT 110 is transferable to CSU and UC as an elective and fulfills MiraCosta's GE Plan A Area E1 and is a requirement or elective in many MiraCosta Certificates of Achievement and Proficiency.


CSIT 160 is transferable to CSU and UC meeting CSU GE Breadth Plan B Area D and IGETC Plan C Area 4 and is a requirement or elective in many MiraCosta Certificates of Achievement and Proficiency.

CSIT 165 is transferable to CSU and UC meeting CSU GE Breadth Plan B Area E and IGETC Plan C Area 4 and fulfills MiraCosta's GE Plan A Area E2 and is a requirement or elective in many MiraCosta Certificates of Achievement and Proficiency.

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